AGE 5-11
Exhilarating learning & a caring environment in which every child feels valued, nurtured & confident to succeed.
Central to our Primary education for students is the joy, importance and unparalleled value of student exploration. We provide students with rich opportunities across the curriculum to ‘spread their wings’, experiment, make discoveries and learn within authentic contexts centred around our guiding enquiry themes.
The English National Curriculum provides the basis for our ambitious curriculum and the emphasis on our students’ remarkable progress in English and Maths. In addition, our English-language curriculum is fully compliant with the Polish MEN programme, meaning students' progress is formally recognised by both systems of education.

Discover our clear focus on excellence in teaching & nurturing our students' academic ambition.
Every unit of learning is united under an exciting theme to guide students’ own enquiry. We challenge the notion that knowledge can merely be communicated, but instead teach our students how to ask questions, form hypotheses and design their own investigations.
Naturally, every unit and assessment opportunity directly links to our six cosmopolitan values. Students’ passions and curiosity are sparked through unit introductions. All areas of learning form purposeful links to the students’ overall topic of enquiry, allowing children to explore the issues, concepts and content of each unit in deep, diverse and meaningful ways.
We ensure students develop the skills of research, investigation and innovation in order to construct their own understanding under the guidance of their teachers. Enquiry therefore reflects the modern world and life in a digital, information-rich era in which the entire world is accessible literally at your fingertips
A seamless blend of the Polish & British systems, united by enquiry results in a completely unparalleled learning journey for children aged 5-11.
The school curriculum is central to our children's learning journey and intense care, reflection and consultation went into the process of documenting the attainment and skills of our enquiry-based learning journey to ensure full fulfillment of both Polish and English national requirements. Our curriculum is bespoke and unique, and the documentation, planning and resulting experiences that stem from the Primary curriculum are second to none.
Ours is a rigorous, challenging and thought-provoking learning journey that results in a very special culture of learning, support and ambition. Some things can be standardised - you can make the same shot of espresso time and time again, but no student, class or school year is ever the same. This is why we’ve got rid of textbooks and instead focus on individualised approaches to learning that are centred around compelling enquiry themes to prompt student collaboration, investigation and questioning.
Every year group follows four bespoke units per year that have been specifically developed for our students and with our values at their heart. We feel this offers a radically different education that is only possible with a bespoke, expertly crafted curriculum to suit our specific context.
There’s a common misconception that a curriculum is a textbook or a defined sequence of activities that works in the same way every year and for every student. Nothing could be further from the truth and we're proud to do things differently.

Children share & celebrate their learning through a digital, multi-media portfolio.
Assessment is at all times authentic and motivating, identifying students’ successes as well as informing them of their next steps. We don’t believe in points, grades or percentages and instead utilise a rounded system of assessment that considers students’ performance in three areas: Knowledge & Understanding, Enquiry & Investigation and Effort & Attitude.
Every student has a digital learning journal as a portfolio of their learning which is further used as an assessment and feedback tool. Parents also have access through a dedicated app, giving families an insight into their child’s learning and encouraging them to be part of the dialogue.
Assessment objectives in the Knowledge & Understanding domain are drawn from both the English National Curriculum and the Polish MEN Programme.